How do they ?

I am loading up content for (my latest project ) and as i choose the products for the auctions, i realize that almost all Apple products are hot (like .. Hello ... wake up ) ok ok , but so many products at once ? Actually there's only one that no one likes .. the Apple TV. Speaking of Internet TV, i wonder what's gonna come up with the GTV wave ... (Wave ...better not remind that) . I have added a  Sony HDTV with Google TV auction just in case someone likes it...  . So anyway .. i am looking for desired products commonly agreed on many ppl only to find out that almost all Apple products are... so i started the Bubba talk :

Bubba: "Dey's uh, iPod Arena , iPad ArenaiMac Arena, Macbook Air Arena, Macbook Pro Arena, iPod Touch Arena.  That- that's about it.
Have you ever been in a real Apple store?"
Forrest Gump: "No, but I've been on a real big boat". Please let me know what are your most wanted products and visit us at (Beta).
